

Welcome to Neuro Poppins!

I’m Mary, a curious girl who went through life without knowing a vital part of myself and subsequently searching into others souls for what was missing in my own. I’m an acute observer, teamed with my over-analytical OCD wiring, I am drawn to controversial topics and piecing together contradictions and commonalities in a quest to discover jewels of knowledge: after all, it’s how I discovered I was autistic. 

Using an autistic lens, I reach in and out of echo chambers on my journey of self discovery, delve into different styles of thinking whilst forming my own narrative and sharing my progress with the world. Things to expect from my blog include life journeys, diagnosis & misdiagnosis, identities, trauma, OCD, autistic interviews, thought-provoking scenarios and philosophical style thinking, positivity vs toxicity in online groups, self help, families and a nail-biting satirical observations!

I hope you find something for you in my blog! Thanks for visiting


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